Till now in all our examples we used only a single view screen. But any application contains many screens with a hierarchy. Like a user will see Login Screen first and then after Login user will see the profile screen. For handling multiple screens in the Storyboard we have iOS UINavigationController. UINavigationController manages all the […]
UIWebView Example to Load URL in iOS using Swift in Xcode
In this post we will see a simple UIWebView Example. In many cases while building an app we sometimes need to load some other website or URL. In this case UIWebView is very useful. We can use UIWebView class to embed web content in your iOS App. And today in this UIWebView Example we will […]
Firebase iOS Tutorial using Swift – User Registration
From this Firebase iOS Tutorial we will start using Firebase for our iOS Application. I am starting this Firebase iOS Tutorial series to help you all in integrating Firebase in your iOS Application. This is the first post in Firebase iOS Tutorial series and today we will see an example of Firebase Authentication. I will be […]
Xcode JSON Example to Retrieve Data from MySQL using Swift
Hello friends today we will see an Xcode JSON Example. In last tutorial we learnt how we can save data from iOS App to our Web Server’s MySQL database. You can check the last tutorial from the below link. Swift PHP MySQL Tutorial It is really important that you go through the above given tutorial first, […]
Swift PHP MySQL Tutorial – Connecting iOS App to MySQL Database
Today we will learn Swift PHP MySQL. As while developing applications for mobile we need a server for our database. And for this PHP and MySQL is the best option available as it is easy to use and get. So in this Swift PHP MySQL Tutorial we will learn how we can connect our Xcode […]
iOS NSUserDefaults Swift Example to Save Data using Xcode 7
In this post we will see how we can use iOS NSUserDefaults to save data or application settings. iOS NSUserDefaults is often used to store the application settings. Suppose you need to store some small data in the app like username, gender or any kind of thing that usually doesn’t need a database. In this […]